Thoughts from the Road

Empowering Choice: Mass Product Customization

Seeing my wife pull up her “weekend playlist” got me thinking about the transformational shift of the music industry – from a selection of albums at your local record store to built-for-you playlists customized for your individual ear and available right at your fingertips through apps like Spotify. The music subscription service has mastered consumerization.


There’s No Choice But To Empower Choice

Industries are transformed by choice. Consider retail shopping as an example. There was a time when the only choice consumers had was the local general store. These stores offered most of what you needed for daily life – groceries, toilet paper, maybe a few toys. They were small and with limited supply and limited options.


Legacy Product Configuration Architecture Survived ACA but Won’t Endure the New Consumerism in Health Insurance

This blog identifies an IDC prediction and alerts the industry to the need to upgrade the back office to meet consumerism in health insurance by upgrading the product configuration process. Spurred by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and web-based shopping, consumerism has arrived at health insurance companies. Only a few years ago, health plans considered